Here Are 5 Reasons Why Email Marketing Still Matters

Whether you are a business owner or a Digital Marketer, it very important to stay in touch with your customers for product launch or service introduction and to maintain a constant relationship. With the growing use of various forms of Digital Marketing globally, businesses use Email Marketing as an essential Digital marketing tool.

Why email is still relevant?
  • Global reach: Almost everyone has an email address and can be reached anywhere they are placed globally.
  • Professional communication: Email is by far a more professional communication medium unlike Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, text message, where you can send surveys or feedback form or offers.
  • Instant communication: Email is fast and instant
  • Availability: An email can be read by a recipient from any device like laptop, mobile, etc.
  • Important identification: An email is required to create an account on any website or application you register with; hence it your identification.

To stay on top of competitors, businesses are required to send unlimited emails per day and a reputable and reliable Email Service Provider like Alpha Sandesh, lets you create email marketing campaigns to stay in touch with existing and potential customers on a regular basis.

5 reasons why Email Marketing still matters:
  1. Personalized communication: With Email Marketing you can design and personalize emails.
  2. Send bulk-emails: With Email marketing service you can send bulk or unlimited emails per day
  3. Cost-effective: Email Marketing is cost-effective when compared to other digital marketing tools like banner Ads, keyword Ads, SERP Ads etc.
  4. High conversion rate: According to McKinsey & Company, Email Marketing has high conversion rates than social media and high ROI.
  5. Promote products and services: Coupons, deals and offers on products and services have shown to drive online and in-store sales.

Components of email marketing:
  • Email Marketing Plan: To achieve success with email marketing, businesses needs to formulate a plan, which includes having an email list, target audience according to demography, schedule emails daily, weekly or monthly. Creating email marketing campaigns, newsletters, surveys, feedback forms etc.
  • SEO optimized: It is important to create content for emails that are SEO optimized, especially the subject lines must have keywords which influence high click rates.
  • Personalizing email: Personalized emails means to greet the client with his/her first name, personalized emails received 18. 8% click open rates according to a survey by Statistia.
  • Responsive Emails: Even if you have a great email marketing plan with SEO optimized content, but if your recipients are unable to open them on their mobile device, then it is of no use. Hence, with an ESP, you can create responsive emails that are easy to open on any device.

Why choose Email Marketing?
  • Send high volume emails or unlimited emails per day
  • Design beautiful emails with in-built templates using graphics and text
  • High deliverability
  • Contact List Management
  • Advanced scheduling of emails
  • Easy to customize and integrate with existing marketing strategies
An Email Marketing Provider like Alpha Sandesh is a unique platform to send millions of emails to global clients from the UK, US, Europe, Israel etc. Contact us now for an affordable and efficient mass email sending service.
